This article gives you hands-on lab for creating AWS resources using Terraform cli & Terraform cloud.
- Idea is to cover most of the commonly used Terraform blocks like module, resource, variable, output, locals, data
- Terraform source code can be found at:
- AWS account with an IAM user having Console & Programmatic access. (You will need to create an AWS IAM user account with admin rights, an access key, and a secret key.)
- Good to have: AWS CLI configured with #1’s AWS access key id & secret access key
- Terraform CLI setup’ed. Refer this article to setup Terraform CLI on either Windows 10/11 or Ubuntu or AWS Cloud9 IDE.
- Terraform Cloud account (free)
- Visual Studio Code as IDE to create / modify Terraform configs and Terraform extension from Hashicorp for syntax highlighting & intelli-sense.
Assumption: You know basics about Terraform & AWS.
Let’s provision AWS resources
Login to Terraform Cloud and create an organization, let’s say tfc-aws-demo-org
Goto Organization Settings -> Variable sets -> Create variable set -> setup Variables set with 2 env variables: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID & AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Values of these env variables is from Pre-Requisites #1 (see below screenshot for all the settings)
Notes from Terraform doc:
- Terraform uses variables for all plans and applies within a workspace. Variable sets are a group of commonly used variables that you can apply to multiple workspaces in an organization.
- We recommend creating a variable set for variables used in more than one workspace.
- Note: I am using Variable set, since I will be using same AWS account across workspaces, with different AWS regions.
- Now, we can start using this org to create multiple workspaces, as per our use-case. For instance, we can have dev, uat & prod workspaces.
- Goto Terraform Cloud (TFC) -> Select our org -> Create a new Workspace -> CLI-driven workspace -> Workspace name = ws-dev -> Click ‘Create workspace’ button
- Clone my terraform configuration repo from github:
git clone
- Open up Visual studio code:
$ cd tfc-aws-demo/ && code .
- All you need to do is to change organization name in to point to organization that you created above.
- Also, check terraform.tfvars file to change aws region and aws resources, to avoid conflict
Note: In order to demo data block type, please ensure that aws s3 bucket named in data block type is present in your account or create one (manually or with aws cli) & update its name in ab_cdn_bucket OR comment out / remove data block from and its usage from file
- Create s3 bucket:
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket tfc-aws-demo-891223 --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=ap-south-1
- Tag s3 bucket:
aws s3api put-bucket-tagging --bucket tfc-aws-demo-891223 --tagging "TagSet=[{Key=Terraform, Value=true}, {Key=Environment, Value=dev}]"
- Delete s3 bucket (post you are done with this lab):
aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket tfc-aws-demo-891223
- Open up Visual studio code:
- Now we need terraform api token so that we can connect terraform cli to our terraform cloud account and start using tfc as our remote backend:
$ terraform login
- From here on, we will be using typical terraform cli (tf workflow) commands:
terraform init
- Optional tf commands:
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terraform validate terraform fmt
terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve
- On successful run, we will see AWS resources in our AWS account via Console. Goto AWS Console -> Select our region (Mumbai) -> Search ‘Resource Groups & Tag Editor’ -> ‘rg-tfc-aws-demo’ Resource group -> Here you can check all the resources created by us (s3 bucket & kms key)
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terraform output terraform output my-kms terraform output my-kms | grep key_id terraform show terraform state list terraform state show aws_resourcegroups_group.test
- Workspace related commands (optional commands, since we used just 1 workspace, but good to know):
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terraform workspace show terraform workspace new uat terraform workspace list # select a specific workspace, in case of multiple workspaces terraform workspace select uat
- We are done with the lab, clean-up resources, so that we are not charged for un-used AWS resources
terraform destroy -auto-approve
- Delete s3 bucket (in-case you created it manually as mentioned above):
aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket tfc-aws-demo-891223
- Delete s3 bucket (in-case you created it manually as mentioned above):
- Optional tf commands:
Note: since we are using TFC as remote backend, all our runs would be in TFC. Terraform cli will give you link to the runs in the terminal (screenshot below)
Screenshot: Terraform run success
Tip: Here I am using manual way to run Terraform cli commands to create AWS resources, however we can also setup CI/CD pipeline to automate this. Since we are using TFC, I don/t have to setup & create CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins. TFC provides us to do this out of the box!
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