Home AWS re:Invent 2023 Keynote by Peter DeSantis

AWS re:Invent 2023 Keynote by Peter DeSantis

Here I have captured key highlights from 1+ hour of AWS re:Invent 2023 Keynote by Peter DeSantis, AWS SVP, Utility Computing.

New AWS services announced are preceded by New & bold font

Keynote by Peter DeSantis, AWS SVP, Utility Computing


  • Innovations by AWS in Hardware for Serverless computing


  • AWS Serverless offerings (to name a few): Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, Fargate
  • Amazon Aurora
    • Fully compatible PostgerSQL & MySQL DBs
    • Biggest innovation of Aurora is internal optimized storage system: powered by Grover
      • Aurora sends the log (core of any DB) to Grover, which then writes to multiple AZs!
    • Amazon Aurora Serverless launched in 2018
    • Databases on Nitro hypervisor: however when DB needs more memory, Nitro won’t be able to give that, since it would mean to bring down that DB instance & configure a new one with more memory, which is as good as DB failover. Nitro allocates static resources to an instance
      • To avoid this, AWS came up with Caspian: Combination of new hypervisor + heat mgmt planning system + few changes to DB engine
        • Caspian allows Aurora Serverless to resize in milli-seconds!
        • Caspian uses an approach called Co-operative oversubscription
        • Caspian can dynamically allocate resources, unlike Nitro
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    • New Aurora Limitless Database
      • DB Sharding in Serverless world
      • Managed horizontal scale-out beyond the limits of a single instance
      • Innovation 1: New Request Routing Layer
      • Innovation 2: Fully Elastic Shards
      • Innovation 3: Reducing Clock error bounds via Amazon Time Sync Service
  • New Amazon ElastiCache Serverless
  • Amazon Redshift Serverless (launched in 2021)
    • Scales depending on Query Volume
    • New Next gen AI driven Scaling & Optimization: to address the challenge by one off massive Query which slow downs rest of the queries
  • Quantum Computing:
    • AWS Centre for Quantum Computing established at Caltech in 2019
    • Quantum computing chip launched (in prototype)


Note: Copyrights for images used in this blog post belongs to AWS / Amazon

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

Terraform Associate Exam Cram - David Prowse

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