Home AWS re:Invent 2023 Keynote by Adam Selipsky

AWS re:Invent 2023 Keynote by Adam Selipsky

Here I have captured key highlights from 1+ hour of AWS re:Invent 2023 Keynote by Adam Selipsky, AWS CEO.

New AWS services announced are preceded by New & bold font

Keynote by Adam Selipsky, AWS CEO


  • ReInventing Cloud Computing


  • 12th AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas: 50k+ in-person & 300,000+ attendees registered virtually, over 2200 sessions
  • ReInventing Infrastructure:
    • AWS Infrastructure spans 32 Geographical Regions around the world and each region consists of atleast 3 AZs
    • Compared to other cloud providers, AWS has 3x Data Centres, 60% more Services, 40% more Features
  • ReInventing Storage:
    • Amazon S3 (2006 launched)
      • S3 Deep Archive
      • S3 Intelligent-Tier: Saved Customers 2+ Billion dollars
      • New Amazon S3 Express One Zone:
        • for high speed storage needs of Customers
        • Highest Performance & Lowest Latency Object storage
        • 10x faster than S3 Standard storage
  • ReInventing General Purpose Computing:
    • In 2018, AWS became first major cloud provider to launch GP compute silicon chip - Graviton
    • 2020 - Graviton 2 - provides 7x performance than G1
    • 2022 - Graviton 3
      • 25% performance than G2
      • 60% less energy consumption
      • Best price performance in EC2
    • 2023 - New Graviton 4
      • Most powerful & energy efficient chip ever made
      • 30% faster than G3
      • 40% faster for DB applications
      • 45% faster for large Java apps
      • Preview of R8g EC2 instances based on G4
  • ReInventing with Generative AI
    • Generative AI stack
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    • AWS has been collaborating with Nvidia for 13 years to bring GPUs to the cloud:
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      • All GPU instances released in last 6 years is based on AWS Nitro
      • Jensen Huang - Founder & CEO of Nvidia: Dialog with Adam
      • New Nvidia DGX cloud to AWS
        • DGX cloud is Nvidia’s AI factory
    • New EC2 capacitive blocks for ML:
      • Reserve EC2 ultra clusters with hundreds of GPUs
      • Ideal for training & fine tuning FMs, short duration workloads & handing capacitive surges
    • AWS Trainium - 2nd gen chips launched - 4x faster than 1st gen
    • AWS Inferentia - 2nd gen chips launched
    • AWS Neuron:
      • SDK to optimize ML on Trainium & Inferentia
      • Supported Frameworks: TensorFlow, PyTorch & upcoming support for JAX
      • Supports 93 of top 100 Models
    • Amazon SageMaker: managed service to build, train, deploy ML models at scale
    • Amazon Bedrock: easiest way to build & scale Gen AI apps with LLMs & FMs
    • Amazon Bedrock Customization:
      • (New) Fine Tuning
      • (New) Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Knowledge Bases
      • (New) Continued Pre-Training for Titan Text Lite, Titan Text Express
    • (New) Agents for Bedrock
    • (New) Guard Rails for Bedrock
    • Dario Amodei - Anthropic CEO & co-founder: Dialog with Adam
    • Amazon Titan Models:
      • High performing FMs from Amazon
      • Titan Text Lite, Titan Text Express, Titan Text Embedding model
    • Lidia Fonseca - Chief Digital & Technology Officer, Pfizer: Speech
    • Amazon Code Whisperer
    • (New) Amazon Q:
      • Gen AI powered assistant for work, that is tailored for your business
      • Your expert assistant for building on AWS: Currently it has been fed 16 years of AWS docs/ knowledge base and is available in AWS Console & AWS Doc and also in popular IDEs like VS Code
      • Amazon Q Code Transformation: to upgrade code Framework / version, like Java upgrade
        • Coming soon: upgrade DotNet applications to help migrate from Windows to Linux
      • Amazon Q in Quicksight
      • Amazon Q for Amazon Connect
    • Most comprehensive set of Data Services, since your Data is unique & most helpful tool:
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    • Zero ETL Integrations:
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    • Amazon Data Zone
      • Catalog, Discover, Share & Govern Data across your organization
      • (New) Amazon Data AI Recommendations
  • ReInvent: Bold bets by Amazon:
    • Amazon Third Party sellers
    • Amazon Prime
    • AWS
    • Amazon: project Kuiper: Global high speed satellite network for broadband / internet connectivity


Note: Copyrights for images used in this blog post belongs to AWS / Amazon

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

AWS re:Invent 2023 Keynote by Peter DeSantis

AWS re:Invent 2023 Keynote by Werner Vogels

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